Prost : The Bottom Line
I went to Prost in perhaps some of the worst possible weather – pouring with rain and the threat of a thunderstorm looming over – but I still enjoyed my time there though I did not have the weather to explore the area around the brewpub. It’s worth coming to if : (1) someone is a designated driver as it’s at least a 4,000 yen taxi from Fukushima station or (2) you’re passing through the area and want some decent local beers to get as a souvenir. The area is peaceful and quiet and there are some decent options for beers on tap. The whole place is non-smoking, has no table charge, and also has some free Wi-Fi.

Prost : The Full Review
Michinoku Fukushima Beer have been stalwarts at many a beer festival across Japan and that’s been my experience with them since BeerTengoku started back in 2014. Dependable, if not exciting, beers that tick the styles of the beers you’re trying. Like most breweries that came around during the third boom of craft beer from 2002 onwards, Michinoku Fukushima Beer have built themselves a solid fanbase with their “traditional” styles of beers, but once in a while, they do something different and it’s usually a good try. However, since BeerTengoku started, I’ve been wanting to get back to Fukushima as my last time I was in the area was back in 2008 – so it’s been a while.
Prost is located in Fukushima though be warned, the actual area is called Arai and is about a 30 minute taxi ride from the station. You could probably get a bus and then walk from the nearest bus stop, but on the day I came to the brewery and taproom, there was a massive downpour with warnings of potential flooding. Still, that wasn’t going to stop me though on the way up to the place, the taxi driver did warn me that there was nothing in the area – though there was a 7/11 about a 15 minute walk away from the bar.
Prost : Atmosphere & Interior
Prost is located in what appears to be a small enclosure of shops that, due to the heavy rain, I did not get the chance to explore as I had stupidly dropped my umbrella somewhere between Tokyo and Fukushima. The area, known as St. Anna’s Garden, isn’t actually part of the Michinoku Fukushima Beer group, but there are things like a pizzaria, antiques store, and a gelato with some wondeful sightseeing of Mt Azuma in the area. As you walk into the complex that houses Prost and Michinoku Fukushima Beer, you’re enclosed in a deck of wood and trees all around with the familiar sight of stainless steel tanks.
I easily could have chosen to sit inside with the terrible weather, but as there was noone else around, I felt it would be better to sit outside on the deck and let nature do its job. Inside, there is space for about 8 people either at the table or the counter, while outside there is space for around 12 people. The whole place is non-smoking – yes the deck outside is no smoking as well – and has no table charge either. There is also some free WiFi with the details posted inside the bar. If you have a pet, you can also bring them onto the deck outside.

Prost : Beer & Tap Information
Prost only has Michinoku Fukushima Beer on tap though that shouldn’t be a surprise really! There are six taps of beer, with also a fridge for beers to takeaway. The beers at Prost come in two sizes: small (300ml) from 600 yen, and regular (450ml) from 900 yen, with all prices including tax. There is also a four beer flight that gets you four 150 ml glasses for 1,200 yen so that’s a good deal if you’re like me and can’t decide. The beers were served how I like them – a minimal amount of head on top – though using plastic cups did seem a bit cheap but Prost is rather small so I guess it keeps washing up and cleaning down to a minimum.
Prost : Food Information
The only food on offer when I went to Prost was a hard boiled egg known as an ibushi-tamago, though it means it is an egg that has been boiled and then smoked. It was pretty good and worked nicely with the pilsner that I had. Saying that, the staff don’t mind you bringing in your own snacks to eat out on the deck or inside. Just a word of warning though, all the signs and information are in Japanese and there was no English speaking staff – we are in the middle of nowhere here – so make sure you’re with someone who can read / speak Japanese.
Prost : Information
- Open : Daily 10:00 – 17:00 (L.O 16:30)
- Closed : –
- Happy Hour : –
- Phone : 024-593-5859
- Homepage (in Japanese) :
- Social Media : Facebook