In A Daze Sanshu IPA is a 6.5% English IPA from In A Daze Brewing, based in Ina, in Nagano. Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both cans and on draught. In A Daze Sanshu IPA is brewed using US Simcoe hops but also contains Japanese sea salt – for good reason. In A Daze Sanshu IPA takes its name from the old Sanshu Kaido which used to run from Aichi to Nagano, where horses would carry salt from the sea.

In A Daze Sanshu IPA : At A Glance
- Alcohol : 6.5%
- Style : English IPA
- Hops : US Simcoe
- IBU : N/A
Sale Information
- Availability : All Year Round
- On Sale : From 2019
- Size : 350 ml
- Price : From 550 yen
Aroma & Taste
- Notable Aromas : Dank with some pine and lemon. Slight buttery to the nose.
- Notable Tastes : Bitter but smooth. Slight dank and citrus flavour with a drying effect. Faint buttery flavour when warm.
In A Daze Sanshu IPA : Aroma & Taste
In A Daze Sanshu IPA poured out an amber orange colour with a reasonable amount of slightly off-white head on top that left some streaks down the side of the glass. The aroma was a mixture really – started off with some dank notes, before following up with some pine and lemon. It was when In A Daze Sanshu IPA warmed up that a subtle buttery aroma came through along with some caramel aromas – very much an English style IPA base.
The body, well, started off with a slight bitter twang but this proved to be much smoother than I thought it was going to be – In A Daze Sanshu IPA does contain salt. For those wondering about the salt, I didn’t really get any salty flavour from the beer, but the hops brought a dank and citrus flavour to it. Once again, once In A Daze Sanshu IPA had warmed up, there was more of that buttery flavour that took something away from the overall experience. There was also some malty sweetness to the body – a lot going on but a little weird to finish off.
In A Daze Sanshu IPA : The Bottom Line
In A Daze Sanshu IPA isn’t bad – there’s definitely a base of a good beer here but it’s a bit all over the place in terms of aroma and flavour.
In A Daze Sanshu IPA : Where to Buy It
In A Daze Sanshu IPA can be bought online at the following places: