Takasakiya in Kamakura, Kanagawa

It was on a random ride around Kanagawa that I came across Takasakiya, and posted a message about it on Twitter being off the beaten track – turns out I was wrong as a few friends had mentioned about drinking there and also picking up some beers too. Well I guess my mistake is everyone else’s gain really as the more places people know of, the more you can get craft beer. The more craft beer that is sold, the more variety that is on sale, and ergo, more beer is sold.

Takasakiya started out as a nihonshu store, and is known for having some small drinking parties throughout the year where people can try some of the wares in stock. However, they also have a couple of fridges at the front of the shop with beers from the local area. On the day I went, there were beers from Shonan Beer, Kamakura Beer, and Yorocco Beer – all beers from the Shonan area it seems. The prices were pretty reasonable.

There wasn’t any place to drink in the area it seems, nor is there an online store for the shop, so it looks like you have to be in the area to get some beers.

Takasakiya : Information

  • Open : Thursday to Tuesday 10:00 – 20:00
  • Closed : Wednesday
  • Happy Hour : N/A
  • Phone : 0467-22-1881
  • Homepage (in Japanese) : N/A
  • Social Media : Twitter

Takasakiya : How to Get There

The closest station to Takasakiya is Kamakura, on the JR Yokosuka Line and also the Enoden Line. It’s about a five minute walk from the station.

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