Home Beer Review Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA by Kankiku Shuzo

Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA by Kankiku Shuzo

by Rob

Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA is a 7% Red IPA from Kankiku Shuzo, based in Kujukuri, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their Beachside lineup of beers, and can be found in bottles only. Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA uses French Barbe Rouge hops that were imported by BET.

Editor’s Note : Quick disclaimer, but we did not pay for this beer as it was a gift from the brewer at Kankiku Shuzo. This does not affect our review of this beer.

Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA

Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA : At A Glance

Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA : Aroma and Taste

I have to admit that I was very skeptical about drinking Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA after the last few efforts I’ve had from them were not enjoyable. However, when I poured out Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA into the “new” glass – the IPA glass broke and I refuse to buy any more of them – the colour was welcoming. A deep reddish brown colour with a plump, off-white head that faded to about a finger’s worth of bubbles on top. There were no bits of yeast or sediment floating around, with just some slight chill haze as the beer had been delivered cold. The aroma was a wonderful jammy strawberry and raspberry one – not something you would usually associate with an IPA but with a caramel backbone from the malt, the aromas were well balanced. There were no off flavours from the yeast or in the beer – I was well and truly surprised. When Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA had warmed up, there was also a vibrant lemon aroma that came through.

The body resumed the usual American IPA expectations, with a bitterness that was swift and punchy that then left way for the flavours of the hops to come through. Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA brought a berry flavour to the body with the mixed berries aroma found in the nose being as present in the body. Compounded with the caramel flavours from the malt, Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA had a sticky texture but was neither overly sweet or cloying. The citrus flavours came through once the beer had warmed up some more, and the aftertaste remained as a mixed berry one.

Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA : The Bottom Line

I am shocked. Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA was a delightful surprise and Kankiku Shuzo have a hit on their hands.

Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA : Where To Buy It

Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA can be bought online at the following places:

  • Kujukuri Beachside Red IPA

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