Uchu Magnetar is an 8.5% hazy double IPA from Uchu Brewing, based in Hokuto, in Yamanashi, in Japan. It’s part of their canned and draught line up, though its availability is unknown at the time of writing. The beer uses Cryo Citra and Strata hops though besides that, the only other piece of interesting information is that Uchu Magnetar is named after a magnetar, thus following Uchu’s obsession with stellar objects. What is a magnetar? Well it is a type of neutron star that has a very strong magnetic field – perhaps a good name for a high alcohol beer.

Uchu Magnetar : At A Glance
- Alcohol : 8.5%
- Style : Hazy double IPA
- IBU : Unknown
- Hops : Cryo Citra and Strata
- Availability : N/A
- Size : 350 ml can
- Price : From 790 yen
- On Sale : From October 2021
- Notable Aromas : Citrus lemon and some grapefruit, along with hints of mango.
Uchu Magnetar : Aroma and Taste
Uchu Magnetar poured out a hazy, golden yellow colour with just a thin amount of white head on top – not enough to really perhaps be called a head in fact but it was there and it was going to make an effort to stick around! There were just a few bubbles around the side of the glass, but they dissipated fairly quickly as the beer went down. In terms of aroma, well, Uchu Magnetar had a simple and straight forward aroma of lemon and grapefruit, with just a few hints of mango but only when the beer had warmed up somewhat. In spite of being named after a massive stellar object, Uchu Magnetar lacked the out-of-this-world punch I had been left expecting.
Thought the aroma was lacklustre in comparison to the gravity of the name, the body had more going for it. There was a strong bitter hop bite to the start of Uchu Magnetar, with it lingering on, but getting softer, as time passed. Once again, the flavours were the same as the nose but bolder – with more lemon and grapefruit, along with some mango, and then just a touch of pilsner from the malts to add some sweetness to the beer. Those same flavours lingered through into the aftertaste, with just a faint alcohol heat to Uchu Magnetar.
Uchu Magnetar : The Bottom Line
Uchu Magnetar was never going to live up to its grand billing of a name, but it’s a solid beer that shows Uchu are becoming more consistent with their flavours.
Uchu Magnetar : Where to Get It
Uchu Magnetar can be bought online at the following places: