Vertere TIPA by Vertere

Vertere TIPA is a 10% double IPA from Vertere, based in Oku-tama, Tokyo, Japan. Vertere TIPA is part of their canned and draught lineup, though this label is part of their Vertere Artist Collaboration Series, where local artists paint the pictures for the labels. Vertere TIPA is brewed using Idaho 7 throughout all stages of brewing, so it is being used as both the bittering hop and the aroma hop. This label was painted by the local artist Sakauchi-san though the inspiration for it is unknown.

Vertere TIPA

Vertere TIPA Aroma and Taste

Vertere TIPA poured out a very hazy dull straw colour with a massive amount of fluffy white head on top that clung to the side of the glass during drinking. The aroma was quite straight-forward however, with apricots and oranges coming through first, and then some semblance of oat creaminess also being present as Vertere TIPA warmed up. There was also a slight note of lemon coming through, but it was much fainter in strength compared to the apricot and orange aromas.

The body to Vertere TIPA was more of the same, but it wasn’t a bad thing by any means. The fruitiness from the Idaho 7 was prevalent from start to finish with apricot, lemon, and orange coming through but the level of bitterness was quite low. It wasn’t a punchy one, nor was it long lasting. It was present more so as the beer warmed up, but I’m guessing that Vertere wanted something that wasn’t brash or in-your-face. At 10%, there was a faint level of alcohol heat going on, but like the bitterness, it wasn’t potent or very noticeable UNLESS you were deliberately trying to taste it. The body had a smooth oat creaminess that lingered on in the palate, before fading to the fruit flavours imparted from the hops.

Vertere TIPA The Bottom Line

Vertere TIPA is tasty, yet deceptively strong and well-balanced.

Where to Buy Vertere TIPA

Vertere TIPA can be bought online at the following places:

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