DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA by DD4D Brewing

DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA is a 9.5% double IPA from DD4D Brewing, based in Ehime, in Shikoku, Japan. It can be found both in bottle and on draught though its availability throughout the year is unknow; however, we suspect it to be seasonal due to its fruit additions. DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA is brewed using Columbus and Centennial hops, and contains ponkan, which resembles an orange but is hybrid cross between a mandarin orange and a pomelo orange. Why are we labelling this as a double and not a triple IPA? Well the abv sits right of the middle of what a double IPA should be.

DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA

DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA Aroma and Taste

DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA poured out a hazy orange colour with a medium amount of sticky white head that clung to the side of the glass. Unsurprisingly, the aroma was of oranges and other citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, and also grapefruit. At almost 10%, there was somewhat of a boozey hit to it, though it didn’t have the alcohol heat that sometimes comes with beers this strong. When DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA had warmed up, the aroma reminded me a little bit of some washing up liquid, with a soapiness to it that, while not unpleasant, was noticeable.

The initial hit of DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA was soapy and bitter – perhaps an unusual combination to start off with but having let DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA warm up, the aforementioned soapiness had found its way into the body. It wasn’t as potent as I thought it was going to be, and alongside the citrusy and orange notes that permeated through, was muted somewhat. The beer left a sticky residual flavour on the palate, with a touch of malty sweetness, and a hint of alcohol heat, that wasn’t overpowering but noticeable. The aftertaste was more of the same, with the body being more towards the sweeter end of the scale than on the drier end.

DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA The Bottom Line

Get rid of the soapiness and DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA would be much better.

Where to Buy DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA

DD4D Ponkan Hazy Triple IPA can be bought online at the following places:


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