Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale by Tall Boys Brewing

Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale is a 5.8% American Pale Ale from Tall Boys Brewing, based in Nagoya, in Aichi, Japan. It’s part of their bottled and draught lineup, though its availability is unknown at the time of writing. Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale was the first beer released by the brewery and it is made with Citra and Vic Secret hops.

Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale

Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale poured out a hazy golden orange colour with a large, frothy white head on top that clung to the side of the glass. Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale had a distinct lemon and orange nose to it, with both of those aromas being long lasting on the nose. Once Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale had warmed up some more, there was a light pineapple and pine aroma that came through too – nothing too powerful but it was definitely noticeable against the citrusy profile. In terms of malt, Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale had just a subtle light sweetness to it that merely supported the hoppy aroma than overpowering it.

Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale started off with a Citra forward flavour of lemons and grapefruit before segueing into something more modern with a tropical pineapple and orange flavour profile. The transition was smooth and the flavours played off one another nicely. After letting Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale had got a bit warmer, the pine notes came through, but in a smooth and subtle manner, before taking a back seat to the more vibrant flavours and the bitterness. The malts brought just the faintest of sweetness to the flavour, making sure that the hops were the main things going on in the beer. In the end, the tropical and citrus flavours carried on into the aftertaste, before leaving a slightly sticky residue.

Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale The Bottom Line

Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale is solid, well-made pale ale.

Where to Buy Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale

Tall Boys Two Hop Pale Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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