AJB Rye IPA by Anglo-Japanese Brewing Company

AJB Rye IPA is a 6.0% rye IPA from Anglo-Japanese Brewing Company, based in Nozawa-Onsen, in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. AJB Rye IPA is brewed using Pale Ale, Vienna, Flaked Oats, Rye Malt, and Crystal Teak malts, with Magnum used for bittering and Copper, Centennial, and Chinook used for aroma hops.


AJB Rye IPA Aroma and Taste

AJB Rye IPA poured out a slightly hazy dark orange colour with a plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking. I was expecting a bold peppery aroma, what with this being a rye IPA, but it was more muted than I thought it would be. A shame as I like my rye IPAs punchy and bold. There was a subtle dankness to the beer, with some hints of lemon but the aromas seemed to be muted overall.

The body to AJB Rye IPA had subtle bitter kick to it, and thankfully as the beer warmed up, some more pepperiness came through, with some more citrusy flavours joining in the party. However, it all seemed to be a bit lacklustre though I suspect that could have been borne from my desire of wanting something more. The mouthfeel was slightly sticky and dry, with a faint residual sweetness too once AJB Rye IPA had warmed up. In terms of aftertaste, it was more of the same – faint pepper, faint sweetness, and faint citrus flavours.

AJB Rye IPA The Bottom Line

If you want a soft rye IPA, then AJB Rye IPA will do you just fine.

Where to Buy AJB Rye IPA

AJB Rye IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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