Two Rabbits Kinkan Wit by Two Rabbits Brewing Company

Two Rabbits Kinkan Wit is 4.5% fruited witbier from Two Rabbits Brewing Company, based in Omihachiman, in Shiga, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both cans and on tap, despite the image of the bottle below. Two Rabbits Kinkan Wit contains locally sourced kinkan, known as kumquats in English, as well as imported Australian spices, though which ones used are unknown at the time of writing.

Two Rabbits Kinkan Wit

Two Rabbits Kinkan Wit Aroma and Taste

Two Rabbits Kinkan Wit poured out a slightly hazy golden colour with a thin amount of white head on top that faded fast to a few bubbles around the side of the glass. The aroma was one of oranges – guessing that was the kumquats – along with a slightly prickly aroma of coriander and some slight yeast funk going on. Nothing unpleasant by any means but definitely a cacophony of aromas going on that were well balanced.

The flavours in the body were as mixed as the aroma – but in a good way. The orange flavours from the kumquat segued into a light coriander and yeasty flavour and back again, playing off each other nicely. The body to Two Rabbits Kinkan Wit was crisp and dry that was great on a hot summer’s day. The kumquat flavours lingered into the aftertaste, with a subtle spiciness just appearing briefly.

Two Rabbits Kinkan Wit The Bottom Line

Two Rabbits Kinkan Wit is a damn nice and refreshing beer.

Where to Buy Two Rabbits Kinkan Wit

Two Rabbits Kinkan Wit can be bought online at the following places:

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