Shiga Kogen Cascade Pale Ale by Tamamura Honten

Shiga Kogen Cascade Pale Ale is a 5.5% American Pale Ale, from Tamamura Honten, based in Yamanouchi, in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their single hop series, with this one focusing on self-cultivated Cascade hops, though its availability at the time of writing is unknown. Shiga Kogen Cascade Pale Ale has the same base as the Shiga Kogen Pale Ale though.

Shiga Kogen Cascade Pale Ale

Shiga Kogen Cascade Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Shiga Kogen Cascade Pale Ale poured out a slightly golden honey colour with a small amount of white head on top that clung to the side of the glass, leaving streaks of white down its edge. The aroma though was pure Cascade hop – both good and bad. There was a lemony pungency to the beer, but also a hint of cattiness to it – one of the downsides of using too much Cascade hops. As Shiga Kogen Cascade Pale Ale warmed up, there was also a musty, mildew like aroma to it. Had the hops gone off, in spite of being a “fresh harvest” of hops or had the beer oxidised in the short time it had been in the bottle?

Though Shiga Kogen Cascade Pale Ale is supposed to be an American pale ale, it didn’t really have the punch that I have grown accustomed to with that style of beer. The lemony flavour was welcoming as it detracted away from the same cattiness that the hops brought to the beer – something that just was not going to be shaken, especially as it warmed up.

Shiga Kogen Cascade Pale Ale The Bottom Line

Maybe the other single hop beers in this series were nice, but Shiga Kogen Cascade Pale Ale is a miss for me.

Where to Buy Shiga Kogen Cascade Pale Ale

Shiga Kogen Cascade Pale Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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