Nara Oatmatism by Nara Brewing Company

by Rob

Nara Oatmatism is a 3.8% porter from Nara Brewing Company, based in Nara, in Nara, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup on draft, and found its way into cans during 2020. Nara Oatmatism is brewed with Maris Otter, Oat Malt, Brown Malt, Caraaroma, Carafa, Roasted Barley, and uses Willamette and Merkur hops. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether Nara Oatmatism is going to be sold in cans once the Covid-19 pandemic is over or not.

Nara Oatmatism・ならオートマティズム

Nara Oatmatism Aroma and Taste

Nara Oatmatism poured out a pitch black colour with barely any head on top – this could have been due to a leak in the canning process or maybe deliberate – though what head there was, was a few bubbles of off-white tan colour. It had a strong caramel and toffee aroma to it, with a subtle roasted black malt quality to it that wasn’t acrid or bitter. When cold, there were slight hints of coffee, chocolate, and nuts to it that got stronger as it warmed up. Nara Oatmatism also had a faint creaminess to it when the beer had gotten warmer.

At 3.8%, I was expecting Nara Oatmatism to be watery and thin, but it had some body to it that made it taste a little bit stronger than it was. The caramel and toffee flavours were present throughout, as were the coffee and chocolate once Nara Oatmatism had warmed up – something you should do with a porter. Please don’t drink them ice-cold. There was a good balance of flavours but most importantly, there was no discernible acridity or bitterness from the roasted barley. Nara Oatmatism finished off with a nutty, coffee, and chocolate flavour that lingered for quite a while.

Nara Oatmatism The Bottom Line

Nara Oatmatism is a good little session beer that I want more of.

Where to Buy Nara Oatmatism

Nara Oatmatism can be bought online at the following places:

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