Home Beer Review West Coast No Clouds No Problem by West Coast Brewing

West Coast No Clouds No Problem by West Coast Brewing

by Rob
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West Coast No Clouds No Problem is a 5% Italian Pilsner from West Coast Brewing, based in Shizuoka, in Shizuoka prefecture, in Japan. It’s part of their canned and draft lineup. Though it’s classified as an Italian pilsner, West Coast No Clouds No Problem actually uses imported German hops.

West Coast No Clouds No Problem・ウェストコースト ノークラウズ、ノープロブレム

West Coast No Clouds No Problem Aroma and Taste

This is the third time time I’ve had this beer and I don’t seem to have much luck with it when I come to writing about it – perhaps because every time I have tried to write about it, there have been clouds, so problems ensue. Well no clouds today, so (hopefully) no problems. West Coast No Clouds No Problem poured out a clear golden straw colour with a thin amount of white head on top that faded fast to leave a few bubbles around the outside of the glass. The aroma coming off the beer was distantly a hoppy lemon aroma with some light dusting of pilsner sweetness coming through too. There was just a faint floral aroma too but it was all about the vibrant citrus nose from the beer.

With the nose being so lemony, I expected a bitter kick to start West Coast No Clouds No Problem off with, and I wasn’t wrong. The lemon burst through without any abandon for the other flavours but it wasn’t as tart or as sour as I was expecting it to be – that’s the difference with lemon flavours from hops versus lemon flavour from actual lemons. The body was dry and crisp too, and made West Coast No Clouds No Problem perfect for the hot summer day I was drinking it on. The only really lingering flavours of note were the lemon and slight pilsner sweetness.


West Coast No Clouds No Problem The Bottom Line

West Coast No Clouds No Problem is a nice hoppy pilsner – glad it wasn’t called an IPL.

Where to Buy West Coast No Clouds No Problem

West Coast No Clouds No Problem can be bought online at the following places:

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