Kyoto Little Pleasures by Kyoto Brewing Company

Kyoto Little Pleasures is a 4% table saison from Kyoto Brewing Company, based in Kyoto, in Kyoto, Japan. It’s part of their bottled and draft lineup, though its availability at the time of writing is unknown. Kyoto Little Pleasures is brewed using Pilsner and Flaked Wheat along with Aramis for bittering hops and Motueka for flavour / aroma.

Kyoto Little Pleasures・京都ささやかな至福

Kyoto Little Pleasures Aroma and Taste

Kyoto Little Pleasures poured out a light golden yellow colour with a thin amount of white head on top that faded to a few bubbles around the side of the glass. Kyoto Little Pleasures had a distinct yeasty phenolic aroma – not overpowering by any means, but noticeable and pleasant to the nose. There was a faint white wine-like aroma to it, with just a hint of lemon going on too, but with Kyoto Little Pleasures, it’s all about the yeasty phenol – and so it should be.

At 4%, the alcohol wasn’t detectable at all, but that’s not to say Kyoto Little Pleasures was not a nice beer to drink. Far from it. The yeast phenols brought a fruity flavour to the beer that was also light and crisp. The hint of lemon going on in the beer made Kyoto Little Pleasures even more refreshing – perfect for a hot summer’s day to quench your thirst and satiate the palate. If anything, Kyoto Little Pleasures was a tad light and that meant the beer was gone quicker than expected. The lingering phenols in the aftertaste were soft and smooth, though the faint lemon was only really detectable once it had warmed up.

Kyoto Little Pleasures The Bottom Line

Kyoto Little Pleasures is a cracking little saison – great for a small session or for a hot day.

Where to Buy Kyoto Little Pleasures

Kyoto Little Pleasures can be bought online at the following places:

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