Yggdrasil Citrus Skal by Yggrasil Brewing

Yggdrasil Citrus Skal is a 4.6% European lager with fruit from Yggdrasil Brewing, based in Hiratsuka, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s usually part of their draft lineup, but due to Covid-19, it was also bottled so it may not be available at the time of reading. Though the name is “citrus”, Yggdrasil Citrus Skal is brewed using hyuganatsu, a citrus fruit and plant grown in Japan. The name comes from Hyūga, the ancient name of Miyazaki Prefecture in Kyushu, where the citrus is said to have originated, while “natsu” means summer.

Yggdrasil Citrus Skal・イグドラジルシトロススコール

Yggdrasil Citrus Skal Aroma and Taste

Yggdrasil Citrus Skal poured out a light golden color with a few bubbles of white head around the side of the glass that popped away quickly. The aroma coming off of Yggdrasil Citrus Skal was a nice orangey and lemony one with some light dusting of pilsner malt coming through too. If it hadn’t been for the hyuganatsu, Yggdrasil Citrus Skal would have been a really nice smelling lager, but with the addition of the fruit? Even nicer.

The body had a subtle astringent bite to it – nothing overpowering or pithy at all – and was sharp and crisp to boot. The fruit flavour was well balanced with the malts and didn’t dominate over, nor did it taste chemically either. Sometimes the addition of fruit in a beer can make it seem fake, but not in the case of Yggdrasil Citrus Skal. Those same fruity flavours were found lingering the aftertaste, and faded gently away.

Yggdrasil Citrus Skal The Bottom Line

This and a warm day would be dangerous – a well-balanced fruity lager.

Where to Buy Yggdrasil Citrus Skal

Yggdrasil Citrus Skal can be bought online at the following places:

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