Vertere Magnolia by Vertere

Vertere Magnolia is a 7.2% double IPA from Vertere, based in Oku-tama, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both cans and on tap in various bars across Kanto, though in limited supply across the rest of Japan. The strange thing is that their homepage lists it as a 7.8% double IPA. However, what is the same is that Vertere Magnolia is hopped using Idaho7 and El Dorado hops imported from the USA.

Vertere Magnolia・バテレマグノリア

Vertere Magnolia Aroma and Taste

Vertere Magnolia poured out a dark golden honey colour with about a finger or two worth’s of fluffy white head on top that faded to a sticky ring of bubbles around the outside of the glass. In terms of hop aroma, Vertere Magnolia had some sticky peach and grapefruit aromas, along with some stone fruits just for boot. You can tell that Vertere used Maris Otter in Vertere Magnolia as it had that typical malty aroma to tit; however, the caramel aroma came through much stronger from the other malts used once the beer had been given the chance to warm up.

Those same hops brought an initial kick of bitterness to the beer, which faded to a sticky fruity flavour and some malt backbone. The fruitiness from the hops brought some peaches, grapefruit, mango, and some light lemon flavours while the sticky caramel and maltiness from the malts brought a little bit of change from the hops. However, when Vertere Magnolia had been given the chance to warm up, it was a tad cloying and the hops felt a little jaded. I was hoping for some alcohol punch as well, but at 7.2%, it was disappointingly missing.

Vertere Magnolia The Bottom Line

Calling Vertere Magnolia a double IPA is a misnomer, it’s just a slightly highly charged IPA.

Where to Buy Vertere Magnolia

Vertere Magnolia can be bought online at the following places:

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