Ise Kurenai no Keyaki IPA by Ise Kadoya

Ise Kurenai no Keyaki IPA is a 6% American IPA made by Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their Keyaki Beer Festival contribution for the Autumn 2019 event, and can be found in bottles and on tap across Japan. Ise Kurenai no Keyaki IPA is brewed with Columbus, Citra and Eukanot hops with its red colour a homage to the Ise Kadoya Imperial Red Ale.

Ise Kurenai no Keyaki IPA・伊勢クレナイノケヤキIPAIse Kurenai no Keyaki IPA Aroma and Taste

Ise Kurenai no Keyaki IPA poured our an amber colour with a large plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass as the beer went down. The beer had a earthy and piney aroma to it, with hints of citrus fruits, such as lemon and some grapefruits. The malts brought a light dusting of caramel to it that was more on the restrained side which stopped the boy from ending up being cloying, though with some hints of biscuits on the nose too.

The body to Ise Kurenai no Keyaki IPA had a subtle initial bitter kick to it that faded fast to leave a piney, lemon flavour on the palate that was smoother than expected. Ise Kurenai no Keyaki IPA also had some hints of tropical fruit to it, with a smidgen of mango and papaya also coming along once the beer had been given the chance to warm up. However, once the beer had warmed up, that same caramel aroma could be found in the flavour but this time, it ended up being a bit sticky sweet on the palate. The tropical fruits lingered in the aftertaste but the caramel did try hard to knock them off.

Ise Kurenai no Keyaki IPA The Bottom Line

Ise Kurenai no Keyaki IPA ended up being a touch too sweet in the end. Best drink chilled.

Where to Buy Ise Kurenai no Keyaki IPA

Ise Kurenai no Keyaki IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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