Fujiyama Setta by Fujiyama Hunter’s Beer

Fujiyama Setta is a 4.5% fruit beer from Fujiyama Hunter’s Beer, based in Fujinomiya, in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup and can be found on tap and in bottles. Fujiyama Setta is brewed using locally sourced yuzu peel – something unusual as Japanese breweries tend to use the whole fruit instead.

Fujiyama Setta・フジヤマセッタFujiyama Setta Aroma and Taste

Fujiyama Setta poured out a dark golden honey colour with a plump fluffy white head on top that clung to the side of the glass. The usage of yuzu, also known as Japanese citron, was evident from the start, even when the beer was cold. That unmistakable citrus soapy smell came through and only got stronger as Fujiyama Setta got warmer. There was also a hint of wheatiness to the beer, along with some astringent yuzu kick too – if Fujiyama Hunter’s Beer had used some of the pith of the peel by accident, then that would have caused that kick I guess.

The body of Fujiyama Setta came across initially bitter, but then moved to a slightly astringent flavour with the yuzu being more of a background flavour to the beer, rather than an in-your-face one as yuzu can often be. Fujiyama Setta’s wheatiness was more of a creamy wheaty flavour than expected, with just a hint of sweetness from the rest of the malts. The yuzu though did linger on through to the end, along with the astringent soapy flavour too.

Fujiyama Setta The Bottom Line

Fujiyama Setta had a bit too much of a soapy flavour to be truly enjoyable but I did like the beer when it was chilled.

Where to Buy Fujiyama Setta

Fujiyama Setta can be bought online at the following places:

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