DD4D Hazy IPA by DD4D Brewing

DD4D Hazy IPA is a 6.8% NE-IPA from DD4D Brewing, based in Matsuyama, in Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. It’s unknown at the time of writing what  adjuncts went into making DD4D Hazy IPA, but seeing as it is classified as happoshu, more than 5% of the grain beer was non-malts, so let’s assume it was a lot of oats. DD4D Hazy IPA is brewed using Apollo, Idaho 7, and Rakau hops.

DD4D Hazy IPA 1・DD4DヘイジーIPA1DD4D Hazy IPA 2・DD4DヘイジーIPA2

DD4D Hazy IPA Aroma and Taste

DD4D Hazy IPA poured out a hazy golden orange colour with a light frothy white head on top that collapsed quite fast. The aroma coming off it though was much longer lasting – think lashings of mango, peach, pineapple, grapefruit, lemon, and passion fruit. There was a slight oatiness to it once the beer had warmed up, but it was faint. With me being a sensitive soul, I was expecting some salty chloride aroma to come through, which sometimes occurs as brewers use calcium chloride to aid in the aroma, but I really didn’t detect any in here – and that’s another bonus for DD4D Hazy IPA.

And the body – wow! Perhaps because I wasn’t expecting anything from DD4D Hazy IPA that I was pleasant surprised but it. Lashings of tropical fruits came out – mango, peach, pineapple, passion fruit – along with the typical citrus flavours associated with IPAs – grapefruit and lemons. There was a very faint bitterness to the beer, but nowhere near enough to really be off a problem. The only downside to DD4D Hazy IPA would be that the carbonation went very quickly on the beer, it was almost like drinking a flat mixed juice towards the end. The lingering aforementioned tropical flavours were pleasent – and I’m glad I bought the 750ml bottle as it meant I could have more of it!

DD4D Hazy IPA The Bottom Line

Find DD4D Hazy IPA, and enjoy it! Well done!

Where to Buy DD4D Hazy IPA

DD4D Hazy IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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Christopher Phillips October 13, 2019 - 6:44 pm

Sold out

Rob October 14, 2019 - 7:36 am

Damn that’s a shame.


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