Ebina Pale Ale is a 5.5% American pale ale from Ebina Beer based in Ebina, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range and can be found in both bottles and on tap in select places. At the time of writing, it’s unknown what hops went into making Ebina Pale Ale.
Ebina Pale Ale Aroma and Taste
Ebina Pale Ale poured out a dark straw orange colour with a small amount of fluffy white head on top. The head faded fast to leave a few bubbles around the side of the glass. However, Ebina Pale Ale didn’t have your usual American pale ale punch of hops, rather it was more grainy and malty than dry and crisp. Ebina Pale Ale had a faint nose of oxidised lemon and grapefruit hops to it, but the staleness of the hops combined with the grainy nose felt off. This was only compounded by the weird butteriness in the nose, too.
The body was more of the same but that butteriness just made Ebina Pale Ale feel more out of place. It’s a shame as Ebina Beer make some decent European style beers. Ebina Pale Ale lacked pretty much everything I’ve come to associate with an American pale ale, and the oxidised hop flavour was just not pleasant to drink.
Ebina Pale Ale The Bottom Line
Ebina Beer should stick to the European beers until they get these American beers dialled in.
Where to Buy Ebina Pale Ale
Ebina Pale Ale can only be bought at Ebina Beer.