Y Market Pacific Brim by Y Market Brewing

Y Market Pacific Brim is a 5.5% saison from Y Market Brewing, based in Nagoya, in Aichi, Japan. It is part of their collaborative lineup, with this one having been brewed with Cascade Brewing, a brewery based in Portland, USA, for the Hood To Fuji brewing event. Y Market Pacific Brim is brewed using raspberries imported from Oregon, and domestic purple plums, alongside US Simcoe, US Loral, US Sabro, AU Galaxy hops. At the time of writing, there are no further plans to make Y Market Pacific Brim so grab some while you can.

Y Market Pacific Brim・Yマーケットパシフィックブリム1Y Market Pacific Brim・Yマーケットパシフィックブリム

Y Market Pacific Brim Aroma and Taste

Y Market Pacific Brim poured out a hazy orange purpley colour with a small amount of fluffy white head on top of it that faded fast. The aroma was a sour plummy one with some hints of yeasty funk going on too. None of the aromas were offensive or potent, and once Y Market Pacific Brim had warmed up, there was as subtle raspberry jam-like aroma to it alongside some faint lemon aroma too.

The initial tasting of Y Market Pacific Brim was similar to the nose, with a subtle sour bitterness to it, along with the plummy raspberry kick to it. The body was quite dry but also a tad sticky on the palate. The sourness got a little bit stronger when Y Market Pacific Brim had warmed up, but the balance between that and the fruity flavours was nice. The only downside to Y Market Pacific Brim would be that the can could have done with being bigger.

Y Market Pacific Brim The Bottom Line

Fruit and saison go hand in hand, and with Y Market Pacific Brim, it’s a definite repeat beer for me!

Where to Buy Y Market Pacific Brim

Y Market Pacific Brim can be bought online at the following places:

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