Ise Kadoya Isekado-Notion IPA by Ise Kadoya Beer

Ise Kadoya Isekado-Notion IPA is a 6.5% NE-IPA from Ise Kadoya Beer, based in Ise, in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative range for the Hood To Fuji event with Ise Kadoya brewing this with Great Notion, and can be found in bottles and on tap. Ise Kadoya IsekadoNotion IPA is brewed with Strata, Citra, and Mosaic hops.Ise Kadoya IsekadoNotion IPA・伊勢角屋イセカドノーシュンIPA

Ise Kadoya Isekado-Notion IPA Aroma and Taste

Ise Kadoya Isekado-Notion IPA poured out a dull hazy orange colour with a small amount of white head on top. The beer had lashings of fruit aromas going on, which meant it ended up smelling like a big glass of tropical fruit juice – think pineapples, mangoes, oranges, guava, and passion fruit. This bottle was fresh as can be and smelt like it too.

The initial taste of Ise Kadoya Isekado-Notion IPA was definitely fruity, but that was because it was so fresh. And therein lies the problem with writing about a NE-IPA. If Ise Kadoya Isekado-Notion IPA had been an old bottle, then it could easily have come out as muted and flat due to hop aging. The lashings of tropical fruits were soothing, but the beer also lacked any significant bitterness too. The lingering fruity flavours left a sticky tartness on the palate that felt a little artificial but it was nice in the end.

Ise Kadoya Isekado-Notion IPA The Bottom Line

When fresh, Ise Kadoya Isekado-Notion IPA is great but it’s gonna age fast so get in quick.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Isekado-Notion IPA

Ise Kadoya Isekado-Notion IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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