Chichibu CCB Grizzly IPA by Bear Meet Beer

Chichibu CCB Grizzly IPA is a 7% Brut IPA from Bear Meet Beer, based in Chichibu, in Saitama, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative range, with this one being brewed with Fatz’s The San Franciscan for their first anniversary. Chichibu CCB Grizzly IPA is brewed using Sabro, Mosaic, and Polaris hops. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether Chichibu CCB Grizzly IPA will be brewed again or not.

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Chichibu CCB Grizzly IPA Aroma and Taste

Chichibu CCB Grizzly IPA was spotted in Used Like New Beer – and yes, it was a new bottle. It poured our a dark amber straw colour with a bare minimum of white head on top that faded to a few bubbles around the side of the glass. There was a light dusting of piney and lemon going on in Chichibu CCB Grizzly IPA but it was devoid of any malt character – I guess the yeast had stripped everything out and left it with no sweetness in the beer. A shame as I was hoping for something to play off against the hops.

The body was as dry as the nose led me to believe it was going to be. The hop flavour was too light but that is one of the major problems with Brut IPAs – they need to be hopped to the moon and back during the secondary to ensure that some hop flavour / aroma is present. At 7%, the alcohol was perhaps the strongest flavour going in Chichibu CCB Grizzly IPA and it left me wanting something more than a smattering of lemon and pine. Moreover, the astringency present in the beer was confusing – was it deliberate or was they something else in the beer?

Chichibu CCB Grizzly IPA The Bottom Line

Ramp up the hops, ramp up the malt, and you could have something close to an IPA.

Where to Buy Chichibu CCB Grizzly IPA

Chichibu CCB Grizzly IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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