Hitachino Nest Brewbase Hop Hideout by Kiuchi Shuzo

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Hop Hideout is a 6% NE-IPA from Kiuchi Shuzo, based in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s part of their Brewbase lineup and can be found in both cans and on tap. It first went on sale in May 2019 though it’s unknown whether it’s a one-off brew or if it will be released again. It is brewed with Two Row, Wheat, and Dextrin malts, with raw wheat and flaked oats added in, and then hopped using Amarillo, Mosaic, and Citra.

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Hop Hideout・常陸野ネストブリューベースホップハイドアウト

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Hop Hideout Aroma and Taste

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Hop Hideout poured out a dull hazy orangey brown colour with a plump white head on top that clung throughout drinking. It had a pungent passion fruit, pineapple, and lemon aroma with a smattering of creamy oats thrown in for good measure. It actually smelt quite fresh too – with this can being less than two weeks old according to the base of the can. There wasn’t much malt aroma going on though as the hops were just too strong for it.

At 6%, Hitachino Nest Brewbase Hop Hideout sits right in the middle of the expected ABV for the NE-IPA style of beer, and it’s also not overpowering. The alcohol was undetectable through the multitude of fruitiness going on in the beer – passion fruit, mango, pineapple, lemons – lots of juicy flavours going on. I guess that kind of sums up Hitachino Nest Brewbase Hop Hideout to a T really – it’s a juicy creamy IPA that also had a slight edge of bitterness to it. The tropical fruits lingered on the palate for a while before fading.

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Hop Hideout The Bottom Line

I’m going to stick my neck out and say I liked Hitachino Nest Brewbase Hop Hideout – enough for me to have a second can. As long as it’s fresh mind.

Where to Buy Hitachino Nest Brewbase Hop Hideout

Hitachino Nest Brewbase Hop Hideout can be bought online at the following places:

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