Mimasaka Sake Kasu by Mimasaka Beer Works

Mimasaka Sake Kasu is a 7.5% speciality beer from Mimasaka Beer Works, based in Maniwa, in Okayama, Japan. Mimasaka Sake Kasu is part of their special edition range and can be found in bottles, with some places having it on tap. Mimasaka Sake Kasu is brewed using leftover lees from sake production, and are the main ingredient of amazake, a cooking paste to add flavor to food and as a marinade.

Maniwa Sake Kasu・美作ビア酒粕スペシャルエール

Mimasaka Sake Kasu Aroma and Taste

Mimasaka Sake Kasu poured out a very hazy dark orange brown colour with a minimal amount of white head on top, which didn’t last long. The aroma to Mimasaka Sake Kasu was creamy, with hints of amazake, and a slight sour fruity nose of peaches, lemons, and some melon too. An interesting mix of aromas going on that became stronger once it had warmed up.

The body had an initial subtle sourness to it from the yeast, but the amazake creaminess soothed out the edges somewhat. Mimasaka Sake Kasu had a sweet malty base that was not too dissimilar to a caramel flavour, but not as strong. There was a smoothness to the beer too but once Mimasaka Sake Kasu had warmed up, the sourness was a little too potent on the palate for my liking. Mimasaka Sake Kasu finished up with a lingering creamy sweetness that was punctuated by a grainy sourness.

Mimasaka Sake Kasu The Bottom Line

Mimasaka Sake Kasu needs a bit more conditioning time to take off some of the edge, but it’s a nice first beer from Mimasaka Beer Works.

Where to Buy Mimasaka Sake Kasu

Mimasaka Sake Kasu can be bought online at the following places:

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