Woodmill Hassaku White by Woodmill Brewery

Woodmill Hassaku White is a 5% witbier from Woodmill Brewery, based in Kyoto, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in bottles and on tap. Woodmill Hassaku White is brewed using locally grown hassaku, which is similar to an orange in color but the size of a grapefruit.

Woodmill Hassaku White・ウッドミルはっさくホワイト

Woodmill Hassaku White Aroma and Taste

Woodmill Hassaku White poured out a light hazy orange brown colour with a thin film of white head on top that faded to a few bubbles around the side of the glass. Woodmill Hassaku White had a distinct pithy citrus orange aroma with a light dusting of spices and hints of wheat too. There wasn’t much else going on, even when it had warmed up besides the pithy orange-like aroma to it.

The body was initially bitter, but more so in a strange fruity pithy way than a hoppy bitterness, though thankfully that bitterness did subside quite quickly. Woodmill Hassaku White had a residual sticky orange and coriander flavour to it, but the pithy nature of the addition of fruity did leave a weird lingering flavour to it. There was a slight hint of malt biscuit flavour; however, the pithy flavour put a quick end to that flavour developing. Woodmill Hassaku White finished off with a lingering fruitiness that wasn’t offensive but nor really that memorable.

Woodmill Hassaku White The Bottom Line

Woodmill Hassaku White was drinkable enough but not something I’m in a hurry to try again.

Where to Buy Woodmill Hassaku White

Woodmill Hassaku White can be bought online at the following places:

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