Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA by Locobeer

Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA is a 7% Milkshake IPA from Locobeer, based in Sakura, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range for the Pink Boots Society and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA was brewed for their 2019 efforts and uses the Pink Boots Blend Hop supplied by Yakima Chief Hops, which “consists of a well-rounded mix of Pacific Northwestern hop varieties, including Loral®, Mosaic®, Simcoe®, Sabro™ and Glacier.” 66yen out of every bottle sold goes towards the Pink Boot Society so you can feel good about doing some charity work as you drink this beer.

Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA・ロコビアピンクブーツミルクシェイクIPA

Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA

Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA poured out a dull hazy orange-brown colour with a large amount of fluffy white head on top. The aroma coming off Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA was one of coconut creaminess, mixed in with a plethora of tropical fruits – think mango, passion fruit, pineapple, guava as well as the stalwarts of lemon and oranges too. Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA had a subtle malt sweetness to it, but the hop aromas, mixed with the coconut, smelt amazing.

This is actually my first Milkshake IPA – the style seems to have mostly missed Japan – but boy, is Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA a great choice. I’m guessing when it’s fresh, it would taste even better, but this bottled version was great enough as it is. Lashings of mango, passion fruit, pineapple, guava – so much going on with it all balanced together. And then a creamy oaty coconut body that was smooth – and there was me thinking it would have the consistency of milkshake and yeast galore. Thankfully it didn’t. The flavours didn’t let up and were just as present in the aftertaste too, that left me wanting more.

Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA The Bottom Line

If Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA is even half as good as some people think milkshake IPAs are, then buy this beer. Now!

Where to Buy Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA

Locobeer Pink Boots Blend Milkshake IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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