TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose by TDM 1874 Brewery

TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose is a 4% gose from TDM 1874 Brewery, based in Tokaichiba, in Yokohama, Japan. It’s part of their year round and can be found in cans and on tap at select locations. As the name suggest, TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose uses locally grown nashi, or Japanese pears, from the Yokohama area.

TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose・TDM 1874 浜なしゴーゼ

TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose Aroma and Taste

TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose poured out a light straw yellow with a slight chill haze to it. There was a fluffy white head on tap that faded to a few bubbles around the top of the beer. TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose had a distinct salty and pearish nose to it – both were quite light and neither would win awards for being in your face. Subtle is the name of the game with this beer. Once it had warmed up, the beer had a small hint of pilsner biscuit to it but that was subtle to say the least.

At 4%, TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose would have been perfect for a hot summer’s day but it’s spring so that had to do. The salty tartness paired off (excuse the pun) against the subtle pear flavours that didn’t linger. The body was also quite thin, which doubles up on the fact that TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose would be great for a summer’s day. It finished off with a slight pilsner pear-like flavour to it, and a salty tartness that was fleeting.

TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose The Bottom Line

I could easily knock back a few TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose during summer – it’s an inoffensive gose that would be a good starter beer for those looking to get into the style.

Where to Buy TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose

TDM 1874 Hamanashi Gose can be bought at the following places:

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