Cyonmage Alt by Yamaguchi Hagi Beer

Cyonmage Alt by Yamaguchi Hagi Beer is a 5% Alt. Nothing much more to say in that department.

Cyonmage Alt Aroma and Taste

Cyonmage Alt pours out with a big frothy head that whittles away to about a centimetre of beige foam. The aroma is of roasted malt, with a slight breadiness and a bit of an off tang of beans and miso (oh god).

Tasting it, there’s the roast malt, with toast notes and that weird beany flavour. I’m not really into Alts at all so I don’t know if this is a good example of the style. It isn’t terrible, but by no means would I ever touch it again.

Cyonmage Alt The Bottom Line

An unremarkable and inoffensive beer. I’m glad that this “old guard” beer lineup of pilsner/ pale ale/ alt and the like are gradually dying out in the Japanese craft beer scene. Not that there’s anything wrong with the recipes themselves, it’s just that it’s representative of a shift in the industry towards more interesting and experimental styles. Move with the times, Yamaguchi Hagi Beer.

Where To Buy Cyonmage Alt

Yamaguchi Hagi Beer Online Store

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