Daisen G Doppelbock by Kumezakura Brewery

by Rob

Daisen G Doppelbock is an 8% doppelbock from Kumezakura Brewery, based in Tottori, Japan. It’s part of their winter seasonal lineup and can be found in bottles and on tap across Japan. Not much is known about Daisen G Doppelbock besides it not having been brewed for 17 years.

Daisen G Doppelbock ・大山Gドッペルボック

Daisen G Doppelbock Aroma and Taste

Daisen G Doppelbock poured out a deep reddish brown colour with a tan coloured head on top that clung to the side of the glass. It had a strong toasted caramel malt aroma with some toasted smell coming along for the ride too. Those looking for hops in Daisen G Doppelbock would be sorely disappointed as it’s all about the malt. There was some semblance of alcohol once Daisen G Doppelbock had warmed up to room temperature but as it did, the caramel nose also became stronger too.

The body was pretty much similar to the aroma – strong caramel and alcohol flavours coming through with a slight toasted malt just lingering in the background. It would have been nice to have drunk Daisen G Doppelbock in front of a fire – be it indoors or outside around a campfire – but drinking it sat under a kotatsu gives a pretty similar feeling. It’s a warming beer but at 8%, the alcohol does come through towards the end. Just make sure you switch off the kotatsu before the inevitable passing out after drinking this.

Daisen G Doppelbock The Bottom Line

Daisen G Doppelbock is a pretty faithful representation of a doppelbock – not earth shattering or ground breaking but it’s tasty.

Where to Buy Daisen G Doppelbock

Daisen G Doppelbock can be bought online at the following places

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