Matsumoto Session IPA by Matsumoto Brewery

Matsumoto Session IPA is a 5% session IPA from Matsumoto Brewery, based in Matsumoto, in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range and can be found on tap. At the time of writing, it’s unknown what hops wet into Matsumoto Session IPA.

Matsumoto Session IPA 松本セッションIPA

Matsumoto Session IPA Aroma and Taste

Matsumoto Session IPA came up a slightly hazy golden straw colour with a plump white head on top. There was a strong biscuit and citrus aroma with an ever-so-slight hint of grapefruit and some pineapple too. It was fairly straightforward and didn’t deviate from those aromas, even when it had warmed up.

The initial bitterness to Matsumoto Session IPA faded fast, leaving a subtle astringent lemon flavour that segued into a biscuit base. The body was quite thin, so the flavours felt a bit wishy-washy and faded fast, leaving a bitter lemon aftertaste on the tongue.

Matsumoto Session IPA The Bottom Line

Matsumoto Session IPA is a straight-forward session IPA – bitterness and lemons – that lacks complexity.

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