Minamishinshu Alps Weizen by Komagatake Brewery

Minamishinshu Alps Weizen is a 5% German hefeweizen from Komagatake Brewery, based in Komagone, in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their late summer seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan.

Minamishinshu Alps Weizen 南信州 アルプスヴァイツェン

Minamishinshu Alps Weizen Aroma and Taste

Minamishinshu Alps Weizen poured out a slightly hazy golden straw colour with a meagre amount of white head on top, which faded fast for a hefeweizen. Like super fast. There was a subtle lemon and clove aroma coming off it, with the wheat and yeast being the forerunners. However, there was also a strange funky nose coming off of Minamishinshu Alps Weizen – kind of like a sour nose to it. I don’t know if it was deliberate or not but it just came in behind the banana phenolic nose.

Minamishinshu Alps Weizen ticked all the right boxes though for a hefeweizen – banana, clove, with a hint of wheat. The body of Minamishinshu Alps Weizen was on the thin side of beers – the flavours were well-pronounced but didn’t hang around long enough really to be enjoyed. The sour note was present but it was only faint when the beer had warmed up to room temperature. It finished off with a subtle lemon citrus twang to it.

Minamishinshu Alps Weizen The Bottom Line

Minamishinshu Alps Weizen isn’t a bad hefeweizen, in spite of the strange sour note, but neither is it an exciting or adventurous beer.

Where to Buy Minamishinshu Alps Weizen

Minamishinshu Alps Weizen can be bought online at the following places:

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