Daisen G Rauch Weizen by Kumezakura Shuzo

Daisen G Rauch Weizen is a 7% smoked weizen from Kumezakura Shuzo, based in Tottori, Japan. It’s part of their later winter seasonal range and can be found in both bottles and on tap. It’s brewed using wheat malt and smoked malt which has been smoked using wood from beech trees.

Daisen G Rauch Weizen 大山Gラオホヴァイツェン

Daisen G Rauch Weizen Aroma and Taste

Daisen G Rauch Weizen poured out a brownish red colour with a fluffy off-white head on top that had a slight orange hue to it. The head lingered until the end of drinking, clinging to the side of the glass as the beer went down. The aroma was pungently smoked with hints of banana and cloves, once the smokiness had died down somewhat. Which it did but it seemed to linger on for ages. The smokiness did remind me of fresh bacon – never a bad thing but it wasn’t for the faint of heart.

The smokiness was the strongest flavour in the body too and didn’t show any signs of abating as the beer warmed up. The banana and cloves were tinged with some slight sweetness that helped balance out the smokiness a wee bit but the delicate flavours of the wheat from the regular Daisen G Weizen had been lost.

Daisen G Rauch Weizen The Bottom Line

If Daisen G Rauch Weizen had the smokiness toned down by half, then it would be a nice interesting beer to try. Right now though, it’s just to potently smoky.

Where to Buy Daisen G Rauch Weizen

Daisen G Rauch Weizen can be bought online at the following places

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1 comment

Christopher Phillips June 3, 2018 - 11:55 am

It sounds like a good rauch weizen. I’ll have to try this one. It should be powerfully smoked, at least traditionally. I can see why some people would want that smoke effect to be gentler but once you go to bamberg, it’s hard to go back.


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