Oh! La! Ho Raiden Kannuki IPA by Oh! La! Ho Beer

Oh! La! Ho Raiden Kannuki IPA is a 6% American IPA from Oh! La! Ho Beer, based in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their limited Raiden range of beers with this one being dedicated to the greatest non-Yokozuna, or in fact the best ever sumo wrestler, Raiden Tameemon! It came on sale in April but it’s unknown whether it’s a one-off or a will come out again. Why Kannuki? This is the name of a sumo wrestling move called an overhook. An overhook is performed from any direction by putting an arm over the opponent’s arm, and encircling the opponents arm or upper body. Having an overhook with one arm is called a single overhook, while having overhooks with both arms is known as double overhooks. Overhooks are typically employed in response to underhooks by an opponent.

Oh! La! Ho Raiden Kannuki IPA オラホー雷電閂IPA

Oh! La! Ho Raiden Kannuki IPA Aroma and Taste

Oh! La! Ho Raiden Kannuki IPA poured out a light yellow straw colour with a minimal amount of white head on top. What little head there was faded fast to a few bubbles around the outside of the glass. It had a piney grapefruit nose with some hints of caramel malts, but the hops were far more forthcoming than the malts. There was also some hint of lemon to Oh! La! Ho Raiden Kannuki IPA but it was fleeting and was almost forgettable.

Even with some piney and grapefruit notes to the body, I was disappointed that Oh! La! Ho Raiden Kannuki IPA didn’t have a thicker body to support the flavours. It felt a bit watery compared to other IPAs of this strength. It’s kind of reminiscent of the Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Extra Pale Ale with the hops just swapped out to produce a pinier nose overall. The lingering grapefruit flavour felt a bit sticky but not artificial in any way.

Oh! La! Ho Raiden Kannuki IPA The Bottom Line

For someone being so powerful, I was expecting more of a punch from Oh! La! Ho Raiden Kannuki IPA.

Where to Buy Oh! La! Ho Raiden Kannuki IPA

Oh! La! Ho Raiden Kannuki IPA can be bought from the following places online:

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