Kamikatz Pale Ale by Rise & Win Brewing Company 

Kamikatz Pale Ale is a 4.5% English Pale Ale from Rise & Win Brewing Company, based in Tokushima, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range of beers and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Kamikatz Pale Ale is brewed using imported European and American hops though which ones are unknown at the time of writing.

Kamikatz Pale Ale KAMIKATZ ペールエール

Kamikatz Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

First of – I got these beers for free – someone found a six pack and sent me them so thank you! However, that will not cloud my judgement as while the best beers are free and chilled, I have to remain impartial as these usually retail for around ¥700 a bottle!

Kamikatz Pale Ale poured out a slightly hazy golden amber colour with a modicum of white head which faded fast. There was an ever-so-slight hint of earthy spiciness and lemony nose to the aroma but the floral notes were the most pronounced. The malts were subdued and didn’t bring any noticeable aromas to the beer either.

However, the body was lacking in comparison. While it wasn’t terrible, Kamikatz Pale Ale didn’t drink like an English pale ale as the flavours were quite muted and out of balance – caramel was picked up on occasion with some earthy tones to it. It would have been interesting to know how the European and American hops were used but I guess we won’t find out. Kamikatz Pale Ale finished off with a tinge of lemony bitterness to it that faded fast.

Kamikatz Pale Ale The Bottom Line

At around ¥700, Kamikatz Pale Ale really can’t be recommended – it’s too much for something that is so average.

Where to Buy Kamikatz Pale Ale

Kamikatz Pale Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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