Hi no Tani Ibuki Red by Hi no Tani Kogen Beer

Hi no Tani Ibuki Red is a 5% red ale from Hi no Tani Kogen Beer, based in Mie, Japan. Hi no Tani Ibuki Red is part of their limited edition range and can be found in both bottles and on tap in limited places across Japan. It’s brewed using Maris Otter, imported from the UK, and also Ibuki hops from Japan to give it an IBU of 15. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether Hi no Tani Ibuki Red is a one-off beer or not.

Hi no Tani Ibuki Red

It’s red alright but not much else is going on.

Hi no Tani Ibuki Red Aroma and Taste

Not knowing what Hi no Tani Ibuki Red was – there was nothing on the label to indicate what it was – I searched and searched but the only information I could find was it’s supposed to be a red ale. It’s not linked to the Hi No Tani Irish Red Ale either. The deep reddish colour was adorned by a head consisting of large frothy bubbles that popped leaving large empty air spaces in between, until they had all gone, leaving a few smaller bubbles around the outside. It had a strong caramel aroma to it but the Ibuki hops were lacking and I couldn’t pick them up.

Hi no Tani Ibuki Red tasted like an Irish red ale with a large malty kick to it but the hops were lacking in the body. There was a slight sourness to it as well that lingered throughout and wasn’t that nice either. In the end, it felt one dimensional with the malts being too one-sided and never really developing into anything.

Hi no Tani Ibuki Red The Bottom Line

I couldn’t wait for Hi no Tani Ibuki Red to end but like many of the other Hi no Tani Beers, another disappointment.

Where to Buy Hi no Tani Ibuki Red

Hi no Tani Ibuki Red can be bought online at the following places:

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