Awaji Alt, or Awaji Alto to give it its “correct” name, is a 5% altbier from Awaji Beer, based in Hyogo, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. Awaji Alt is brewed using pilsner and caramel malts and fermented at room temperature using ale yeast.
Awaji Alt Aroma and Taste
Awaji Alt was the second in my mini Awaji Beer tasting after Awaji Weizen, and I was hoping for something much better. Awaji Alt poured out an copper bronze colour with some semblance of something that could be called head. It was white and there were bubbles, but the lasted as long as you could say “fluffy white head” before fading to a few bubbles around the side of the glass. Awaji Alt had a malty caramel aroma with some fruit but nothing else of note to write about.
The body was more or less the same as the nose – caramel with a faint hint of fruit, but if there was any bitterness or other flavours to Awaji Alt then they flew past my taste buds and into my stomach. It finished off with a lingering caramel flavour and that was it.
Awaji Alt The Bottom Line
Awaji Alt is an alt but nothing exceptional – a complete MOR beer.
Where to Buy Awaji Alt
Awaji Alt can be bought online at the following places: