Far Yeast Yuzu Session IPA by Far Yeast Brewing Company 

Far Yeast Yuzu Session IPA is a 4.5% session IPA from Far Yeast Brewing Company, based in Yamanashi, Japan. It’s part of a collaborative effort Far Yeast Brewing Company did with Beer Ma to celebrate the shop’s first year anniversary. Far Yeast Yuzu Session IPA is brewed using locally sourced yuzu, also known as Japanese citron. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether this is a one-off or if it will continue.

Far Yeast Yuzu Session IPA / ファーイーストゆずセッションIPA

Far Yeast Yuzu Session IPA Aroma and Taste

Why is it that seasonal beers have yuzu in? There are lots of beers with yuzu in, and it would be nice to see someone try something different when they make a “Japanese” beer, rather than adding yuzu or tea. Far Yeast Yuzu Session IPA poured out a very hazy golden orange colour with a few bubbles around the edge of the glass – if that can constitute a head? The aroma was peculiarly soapy – kind of like lemon washing up liquid – along with a hint of definite citrus hop bouquet to the aroma as well, followed up with some wheat malts too in there for good measure.

The body continued the soapy flavour with a definite artificial tasting yuzu kick – I wonder if they had steeped the yuzu too much or if the pith had been caught in the secondary? Far Yeast Yuzu Session IPA ended up being a wishy-washy flavour that I just couldn’t shake off – along with an astringent bitterness to it that simply wasn’t nice to drink.

Far Yeast Yuzu Session IPA The Bottom Line

Far Yeast Yuzu Session IPA is a peculiar tasting beer that I just can’t recommend – it would probably make for good washing up liquid though.

Where to Buy Far Yeast Yuzu Session IPA

Far Yeast Yuzu Session IPA can be bought online at the following places

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