Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager by Baird Beer

Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager is a 4% fruit beer from Baird Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager is part of Baird Beer’s summer range and can be found on sale from August onwards. It is brewed using Maris Otter, Vienna, and Caragold malt along with New Zealand Cascade, French Aramis and Japanese Shinshuwase hops. Baird also use Japanese biwa, commonly known as loquats, both during the boil and also during the post-whirlpool stage of brewing. This also marks the first time that Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager has been sold as in previous iterations, Baird used to use an in-house ale yeast strain, but now the in-house lager strain is used.

Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager ベアードアジアンビューティびわエール

Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager Aroma and Taste

Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager poured out a hazy dark golden colour with a minimal amount of white head on top – quite surprising for a lager but it was on the lighter side of carbonation. Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager had a faint hint of apricot-like as well as some citrus lemon aromas coming off it, followed by a subtle biscuit-like aroma to it as well.

I’ve never had a loquat before but I’ve been told they are quite similar to apricots – and if so, then I’d like to try one as the sweet fruity flavour in Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager paired off nice with a slight tartness to the beer. The malts produced a sweet biscuit flavour but nothing like your regular pilsner lager. The fruitness lingered faintly but never became overly sweet or off-putting. I would have like a bit more bitterness to come through but Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager was very easy drinking and gone all too soon.

Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager The Bottom Line

Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager is a welcome addition to the world of fruit beers.

Where to Buy Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager

Baird Asian Beauty Biwa Lager can be bought online at the following places:

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