Nagisa India Pale Ale by Nagisa Beer

Nagisa India Pale Ale is a 6% American (or English) IPA from Nagisa Beer, based in Wakayama, Japan. It’s part of their autumn seasonal lineup of beers and Nagisa India Pale Ale can be found in both bottles and on tap when on sale. The only indication of hops being used in Nagisa India Pale Ale is on their shop homepage with the brewery stating that “three times the amount of hops than used in a pale ale” – um, thanks.

Nagisa India Pale Ale

Quite dark for an American IPA.

Nagisa India Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Nagisa India Pale Ale poured out a clear deep copper colour – much darker than your usual American IPA – perhaps someone had used too much caramel malt or maybe brewed an English IPA by mistake? There was a huge amount of frothy head on top, with a slight off-white hue to it. The aroma from the hops though was unmistakably American with a huge nose of citrus and grapefruit coming through, along with some tropical fruits too. The only thing, and this is surely going to contradict the previous sentiment, was the caramel aromas also came through strongly as well. Is it American or English? Who knows…

Drinking IPAs cold numbs a lot of the flavours though the bitterness still lingers. Nagisa India Pale Ale is a great example of that. When chilled, the bitterness hits, along with caramel notes, though the rest of the flavours are lacking. When it warms up, the citrus lemony and grapefruit tones dance around with the caramel flavours but I couldn’t shake my head – is this supposed to be an American IPA or an English one? It was quite bodied, with it finally leaning towards a malty body, when the sweetness lingers more than the bitterness in the aftertaste.

Nagisa India Pale Ale The Bottom Line

It’s decided, Nagisa India Pale Ale is an English IPA with American hops. It’s nice but peculiar with the mixing of malts and hops.

Where to Buy Nagisa India Pale Ale

Nagisa India Pale Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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