Locobeer Wee Heavy by Locobeer

Locobeer Wee Heavy is an 8.5% scotch ale from Locobeer, based in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition anniversary seasonal lineup and can be found on sale from December onwards until stocks last. Many of the bottles from each batch of Locobeer Wee Heavy are also laid down for almost year and sold in subsequent years. It starts off with an original gravity of 1.100 (aka very high) and then undergoes aging in tanks for seven months before being aged in bottles for two months for a total of almost 300 days.

Locobeer Wee Heavy

Wee meaning “little” but this is a big hitter in terms of malts.

Locobeer Wee Heavy Aroma and Taste

750ml of beer – 750ml of an 8.5% beer meant reviewing Locobeer Wee Heavy was going to be a long session. I do like beer but something this size and at this strength is asking for trouble. Locobeer Wee Heavy poured out a dark amber orange colour with next-to-nothing in terms of head. Ok, there were a few bubbles but this is a head that Thrash Zone would have been proud of. Scotch ales are known for being malt forward and Locobeer Wee Heavy was no exception with lashings of caramel and toffee coming through, with some hints of berries joining in on the fun. The booziness though was well hidden from start to finish and it was only when I stood up that I felt drunk – and my notes had turned into a scrawl.

Malt is the name of the game with Locobeer Wee Heavy and unashamedly so – if you’re looking for hoppy flavours of citrus or passion fruit then you’re going to end up empty handed. Bitterness? None unless you are upset that their isn’t any. Locobeer Wee Heavy was a bottle of liquid caramel and I wish I had shared it with someone as after a full bottle, my tongue felt sticky sweet and in need of defuzzing. The sweetness lingered on right through into the aftertaste and left an unmistakable caramel flavour on my tongue.

Locobeer Wee Heavy The Bottom Line

Locobeer Wee Heavy is a really good example of a scotch ale but make sure you share the bottle with someone if you want to lessen the sweet kick and share the cost.

Where to Buy Locobeer Wee Heavy

Locobeer Wee Heavy can be bought online at the following places:

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