Shiga Kogen Two Rabbits IPA by Tamamura Honten 

Shiga Kogen Two Rabbits IPA is a 9% imperial IPA from Tamamura Honten. It’s part of their limited edition range and was first released in 2017 at the Keyaki Hiroba Beer Festival. It’s a merging of two styles of IPA: West Coast IPA and New England IPA. It’s name comes from the ancient Chinese proverb “A man who chases two rabbits catches none”.

Shiga Kogen Two Rabbits IPA

It says IPA but it’s definitely a double.

Shiga Kogen Two Rabbits IPA Aroma and Taste

Shiga Kogen Two Rabbits IPA pours out a hazy golden colour with a minimal amount of white head – what there was faded fast to a thin oily ring on top. Make no mistake – even though the bottle said “IPA” this is a imperial IPA. It had a dank resiny aroma, along with some tropical fruits along the lines of pineapple, mango, and oranges too. The malts could briefly be smelt but the hops overpowered them.

The proverb that inspired the name of Shiga Kogen Two Rabbits IPA is apt – it starts off with a juicy – urgh hate that word – flavour, with pineapple, mango, orange, along with some grapefruits coming through before segueing into something that resembled the dry, bitter, resiny imperial IPA I’m used to. It finished off with a dank resiny aftertaste that lingered with some bitterness.

Shiga Kogen Two Rabbits IPA The Bottom Line

Shiga Kogen Two Rabbits IPA is an interesting attempt at merging two styles of IPAs but I can’t help and think that Shiga Kogen should have split the beer up into two different batches so you can compare the flavours.

Where to Buy Shiga Kogen Two Rabbits IPA

Shiga Kogen Two Rabbits IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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1 comment

chuwyboy September 23, 2017 - 11:36 am

Ah, but i have 4 Jack Russels. 2 rabbits is no problem.


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