Baeren Colonia by Baeren

Baeren Colonia is a 5% kölsch from Baeren, based in Iwate, Japan. It’s part of their annual limited edition release to celebrate the anniversary of their brewery, with this 2016 edition being the 13th Anniversary of their brewery. At the time of writing, Baeren Colonia can be found in bottles and on tap, though as it’s a limited edition, it is not readily found.

Baeren Colonia

Much lighter than other kölsches I’ve tried.

Baeren Colonia Aroma and Taste

Baeren Colonia poured out a light hazy golden colour with a decent amount of frothy, white head on top. The head faded fast though to a few bubbles around the edge of the glass as well. The bubbles clung to the side of the glass though as the beer went down – perhaps holding on for sympathy or to be noticed. Baeren Colonia had a full on malt aroma – sweet caramel notes coming through, with hints of floral hops and a slight noble hop-like aroma too. The only thing I would say negative about the hops is they did have a faint grassy nose to them as well.

The light body crisp was smooth from the start, right through to the end. Baeren Colonia was malt forward in the body as well, though lightly so and the dry finish to it helped the hops come through in the end. It also had subtle edge of fruitiness to it, with hints of peaches balanced well against the more sweeter aspects of it.

Baeren Colonia The Bottom Line

Baeren Colonia would be a great beer chilled for the summer though I suspect too many could get cloying fast.

Where to Buy Baeren Colonia

Baeren Colonia can be bought online at the following places:

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