Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner by Fuji Kanko Heights 

Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner is a 6% imperial pilsner from Fuji Kanko Heights, based in Yamanashi, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup and was first relased in March 2017, with it being unknown whether Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner is going to be an annual seasonal release or a one-off. Besides that, the only other thing we know about Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner is that it’s brewed using Opal Haasbruck.

Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner

Not that much of an imperial if you ask me.

Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner Aroma and Taste

6%? That’s it? I’ve been spoilt by Russian Imperial Stouts, Imperial IPAs, and other things it with the word “imperial” in the title. I was hoping that Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner would have been much stronger than 6%, which puts it just about the regular abv of Japanese macro beers, so it’s more of a quasi-imperial. It didn’t have the aroma of anything bold or outstanding, with a crisp bready malt bite and a hint of citrus to the light golden straw colour that was topped off with a meagre fluffy white head. If anything, it smelt like a standard pilsner really as the alcohol never made it through the malt-forward nose.

Even though the body was well made, with a crisp malt bite, Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner never really got going for me. The malts brought a tad too much sweetness that the the hops couldn’t really compete against – it ended up leaving a sweet tang on the tongue with just the faintest of hints of citrus floral notes. The main problem with Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner is that it is going to be drunk cold and thus all the flavours are going to be missed out. Yet, serve it warm and it becomes too cloying and sickly sweet just after one.

Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner The Bottom Line

I’d give Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner a miss if you find it next to their pilsner, which I much prefer over this.

Where to Buy Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner

Fujizakura Heights Imperial Pilsner can be bought online at the following places:

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