Fukushima Michinoku FO2 Weizen by Michinoku Fukushima Beer

Fukushima Michinoku FO2 Weizen is a 5% German hefeweizen from Michinoku Fukushima Brewery, based in Fukushima, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative effort with Craft Beer iBrew to produce and in-house beer and it can be found at both locations of iBrew and iBrew Wired. Not much is known about Fukushima Michinoku FO2 Weizen besides it contains double the amount of locally sourced Fukushima oranges, hence the FO2 part of the name, and no, it’s not meant as an insult, though it did provide much hilarity when trying to order it.

Fukushima Michinoku FO2 Weizen

Lots of orangey goodness going on here.

Fukushima Michinoku FO2 Weizen Aroma and Taste

It was a pretty hot day in March when I drank Fukushima Michinoku FO2 Weizen – the mercury had hit 19c and something cold and crisp was needed – and there’s beer on sale so what should we do?

Fukushima Michinoku FO2 Weizen was recommended to use from the shacho, or boss, at Craft Beer iBrew Wired though he didn’t say at the time it was a collaborative brew nor their in-house beer. It came up a cloudy golden straw colour with a large frothy, which we’ll excuse as it as hefeweizen and they do tend to have a fair amount of head on them. There was an immediate aroma of oranges and wheat coming off it – it would be nice to know how many oranges were used in making this. There was a slight yeasty bread aroma coming off it when the second one had warmed up. Yes, I liked it so much I had another immediately after.

The body was crisp and dry – something perfect for the surprisingly hot spring weather – and went down too quickly. The oranges brought the wheat flavours forward and both were balanced with each other nicely.  There wasn’t much of a development of flavours though with just those two really sticking around until the aftertaste when banana kicked in by surprise. An interesting contrast with the citrus flavours.

Fukushima Michinoku FO2 Weizen The Bottom Line

If you go to either of the Craft Beer iBrews and you don’t try Fukushima Michinoku FO2 Weizen, then you’re missing out on a very nice beer.

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