Closed: Craft Beer iBrew Wired in Ginza, Tokyo

Editor’s Note: Craft Beer iBrew Wired in Ginza, Tokyo closed at the end of April 2020. This review has been kept up for posterity.

Craft Beer iBrew Wired The Bottom Line

If Craft Beer iBrew Wired is full up, then Craft Beer iBrew Wired is your next best bet in the area. With ten taps of craft beer on – though they are split between domestic and imported – the prices can’t be beaten in the area. Craft Beer iBrew Wired isn’t a change from what has made Craft Beer iBrew so popular with craft beer fans: cheap beers, with no table charge, and a good range of beers on tap. Prices are listed with tax, albeit in brackets next to the “larger” price, though it’s the food prices they get you at. One more thing, get to Craft Beer iBrew Wired early else you’ll be waiting outside – told you it wasn’t dissimilar to its sister bar. Just make sure you have cash with you too as no credit cards are accepted..

Craft Beer iBrew Wired Full Review

It’s been a full two years since the Craft Beer iBrew review was done but we’ve been to Craft Beer iBrew Wired a few times since it opened – why the delay? Well back when it opened, Craft Beer iBrew Wired was fully focussed on cheap import craft beers from the USA, UK, and others, but since then, they’ve opened up the tap list a bit more and have hit the magic number of taps for us.

Craft Beer iBrew Wired Front

Cramped? Cozy? Warm? Plenty of words to describe it.

Located near Ginza-icchome and JR Yurakucho stations, Craft Beer iBrew Wired is located a stone’s throw from Craft Beer iBrew – literally you could hit the window of the bar from outside – and follows the similar dive bar theme too. It’s quite cramped inside, with three tables by the window and about eight counter seats by the bar, and gets busy quickly so make sure you’ve either booked or arrive early. There were no people waiting when we arrived but within half an hour, it was full up and a queue and begun to form outside. Craft Beer iBrew Wired has no table charge and it’s also non-smoking.

Craft Beer iBrew Wired Menu
Prices are the same for domestic and imported.
Craft Beer iBrew Wired Beer 1
Ushitora Ultra Juicy is packing a punch of flavours.
Craft Beer iBrew Wired Beer 2
Fukushima FO2 Weizen
Craft Beer iBrew Wired Beer 3
Oh! La! Ho Saison

There are ten taps of craft beer at Craft Beer iBrew Wired, with a split between domestic and imported, with beers coming in two sizes: regular (230ml) for ¥390 (¥421 including tax) and large (410ml) for ¥690 (¥745 including tax) with both domestic and import beers costing the same price. There was a tad too much head on the beers, but the bar staff will top them up – moreover, the bar staff do speak English too! Unfortunately, there is no happy hour but with these prices, it’s hard to ask for one.

Craft Beer iBrew Wired Food

It’s chips – what did you expect?!

The real money being spent at Craft Beer iBrew Wired is on the food – and it isn’t cheap. The bog standard BeerTengoku chips – seriously that’s all I order because they’re very hard to muck up and if a bar does muck them up, then it’s not worth the hassle going there. The menus are both in English and in Japanese, with some vegetarian options on the menu.

Craft Beer iBrew Wired Details

Open: Monday to Thursday Lunch 11:00 – 15:00 Dinner 17:00 – 23:30 Friday Lunch 11:00 – 15:00 Dinner 17:00 – 01:00 Saturday 11:00 – 23:00
Sundays & Holidays 11:00 – 22:00

Happy Hour: None

Phone: 03-3527-9028

Homepage: N/A

SNS: Facebook

How to get to Craft Beer iBrew Wired

There are two stations located near to Craft Beer iBrew Wired so we’ve included a couple of maps to help you out. The first is using Ginza-itchōme station on the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line and taking exit number 3. It can also be reached from JR Yurakucho station too.

[ezcol_1half]Directions from Yurakucho


[ezcol_1half_end]Directions from Ginza-itchome

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