Ushitora Ultra Juicy by Ushitora Brewing

Ushitora Ultra Juicy is a 6% American weisse from Ushitora Brewing, based in Tochigi, Japan. Like many of their other beers, Ushitora Ultra Juicy takes the batch number so it’s unknown whether it has been made before and is an evolution or whether it’s a new batch of beer from them. However, we do know that Ushitora Ultra Juicy is part of their limited edition of draft beer.

Craft Beer iBrew Wired Beer 1

Ushitora Ultra Juicy is packing a punch of flavours.

Ushitora Ultra Juicy Aroma and Taste

What the heck is a American weisse?! I know I drink a lot for BeerTengoku and now the site is in third year I’m trying to push myself to try different styles of beers besides stouts, porters, imperial stouts, and Russian Imperial stouts but this?! I had to look up the beer style and all I found was this:

“Berliner Weisse is a top-fermented, bottle conditioned wheat beer made with both traditional warm-fermenting yeasts and lactobacillus culture. They have a rapidly vanishing head and a clear, pale golden straw-coloured appearance. The taste is refreshing, tart, sour and acidic, with a lemony-citric fruit sharpness and almost no hop bitterness.”

Ok, that cleared things up, to excuse the pun.

Ushitora Ultra Juicy certainly came up cloudy and the head did disappear very quickly and was also perhaps the lightest coloured beer I drunk this day. There was a hint of citrus aromas, along with pineapples and grapefruits going on, but sourness? I couldn’t really detect any in the nose, so not quite as a potent as a gose I had previously.

The body did produce a more pronounced sour twang to it, along with the tropical and citrus tones coming through but far more subdued than I had expected – especially for a beer with “American” in the description. I was expecting some boisterous in your face hoppy beer knocking me out for six and berating me for being a weak Brit but nope – Ushitora Ultra Juicy turned out to be an easy-drinking beer that would be most welcome on a hot summer’s day – not at the tail end of winter with spring just around the corner. But then who are Ushitora to listen to anyone?

Ushitora Ultra Juicy The Bottom Line

Ushitora Ultra Juicy is a peculiar beer – it’s definitely drinkable but is it a good example of the style? I don’t honestly know but it did hit the descriptions that it was supposed to, so I guess it’s ok.

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