Hansharo Yoritomo Porter by Hansharo Beer 

Hansharo Yoritomo Porter is a 5% porter from Hansharo Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their draft range of beers with no plans for it to be released in bottled form. It was first released in 2009 and since then, Hansharo Yoritomo Porter has been making sporadic appearances in winter. However, in 2013 Hansharo decided to renew the recipe though what changed is unknown at the time of writing. The word “yoritomo” roughly translates into “calling out tomorrow” perhaps with the idea that Hansharo Yoritomo Porter can be drunk all night long?

Hansharo Yoritomo Porter

Pitch black and rough around the edges.

Hansharo Yoritomo Porter Aroma and Taste

Hansharo Yoritomo Porter came up a pitch black colour with a surprisingly light coloured head. I was expecting something tan-like or at least with some dark flecks in it but alas nope. It had a deep roasted black malt nose with hints of coffee and chocolate but the black malts were a tad too strong in the nose for my liking. There was some hint of sweetness as well but only when Hansharo Yoritomo Porter had reached room temperature but still the black malts prevailed.

With the black malts being so forward in the nose, it was only a matter of reason that Hansharo Yoritomo Porter would be heavy in the body as well. When it came served up chilled, it did have a strong leaning towards the chocolate and coffee but the body was a tad too thin to hold the flavours before the onslaught of the black malts came through. I don’t mind black malts if done right but the astringency in Hansharo Yoritomo Porter was strong and it’s a shame after their Hansharo Mikado, which I really enjoyed. Thankfully, there was some saving grace in the aftertaste as only a faint hint of coffee lingered.

Hansharo Yoritomo Porter The Bottom Line

Either I got a bad batch or the renewal didn’t work. I heard lots of good things about Hansharo Yoritomo Porter but this one just didn’t sit right with me.

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