Yorocco Cherry Maple Porter by Yorocco Beer

Yorocco Cherry Maple Porter is a 5% porter from Yorocco Beer based in Kanagawa, Japan. Yorocco Cherry Maple Porter is part of their seasonal line up and was first released in late 2016 as part of the 3rd anniversary celebrations of Yorocco Beer Taproom at Beach Muffin. It was brewed using fresh maple, coffee and vanilla beans. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether Yorocco Cherry Maple Porter will make an appearance in the future or if it will be sold in bottles.

Yorocco Cherry Maple Porter

Full on flavour but lacking body.

Yorocco Cherry Maple Porter Aroma and Taste

Somehow, I have notes for this beer. I somehow, and I don’t know how, stored them on my phone after a long tasting session with some friends down on Zushi Beach – a great area for both beers, beach, and sunset views. It wasn’t a drunken session by any means, lots of beers but only in small amounts.

Yorocco Cherry Maple Porter poured out a dark brown colour with a minimal amount of head, which of what there was, had a tan-like hue to it. The aroma was distinctly vanilla, with hints of maple and coffee following soon after. However, that was generally it. There was not much else coming through mainly, personally, to too much vanilla in the mix that dominated over the other flavours. Even when Yorocco Cherry Maple Porter had warmed up, it still had a potent vanilla aroma to it.

The body tasted like one of those vanilla hand creams you get in Lush or L’Occitane – it really was a dominating flavour throughout from start to finish, and I did wonder why it didn’t have vanilla in the name? Some hints of maple and a sourness that could be attributed to the cherries came through once it had warmed up, but by that time, I was enjoying the Yorocco Zen Blonde instead.

Yorocco Cherry Maple Porter The Bottom Line

I didn’t enjoy this offering from Yorocco Beer – a shame as I’ve enjoyed pretty much everything else from them.


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