Abashiri Beer Information


Abashiri Beer is a craft beer brewery located in Abashiri, Hokkaido. Founded in 1998, Abashiri Beer are the one of the major proponents of ji-beer, or local beers, which stem from the tourist trade. Unlike most modern breweries in Japan, Abashiri Beer are one of the few that use the decoction method of brewing, thanks to their three-kettle system that allows them to reduce the amount of water used in the brewing process. Abashiri Beer are also big proponents of low-malt beers, otherwise known as happoshu grade, which use anywhere between 67% and 99% malt during brewing, with the rest being adjuncts such as rice, or in Abashiri Beer case, scallops, corn starch, milk and other “interesting” ingredients.

Beer Reviews

The following are some of the beers we’ve had:

  • Abashiri Prison Stout – a 5.5% stout that uses the local Abashiri Prison as its influence with the addition of sugar used to increase the flavour.
  • Abashiri Hamanasu Draft – a 5% fruit beer that uses locally sourced rose hips, known as hamanasu, as an additional flavour.
  • Abashiri Okhotsk Blue Ryuhyo Draft – a 5% spice beer that uses locally sourced water from Okhotsk icebergs, yams, and also corn starch.
  • Abashiri Jaga Draft – a 5% spiced beer that has locally sourced purple potatoes, chinese yams, and also food colouring.
  • Abashiri Premium Draft – a 5% premium lager that uses locally grown malt and hops from the Okhotsk region.
  • Abashiri White Ale – a 4.5% witbier made using locally sourced Okhotsk malt, along with orange peels and coriander.
  • Abashiri Sakura no Shizuku – a 5% fruit beer brewed with local cherries, and has starch used as an adjunct.



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